Monday, July 27, 2009

Waste Not, Want Not.

I prepared Orzo (kind of like rice) and broccoli for lunch today. It wasn't a hit with the kids. Tyler at least ate half of his. Dilana kind of picked at hers and decided when Tyler was done, so was she.

Minutes later, Dilana brought Sharkikea (Tyler's shark from Ikea) back to her seat and informed me that he wanted to eat. She proceeded to feed him.

At least someone will eat my cooking.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name...

Tyler's word of the day: Banish.

I have no idea where it came from, but he used it quite frequently. One example happened in the car today while we were discussing the weather. The conversation started by Tyler's question:

"Mom, what is a tornado called?"

We discussed the causes of a tornado and the dangers for a bit, then he stated, rather regally:

"Well, since I'm the king of the world, I'm going to banish tornadoes."

Long live the King!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Lessons of Love

I often pull out my camera at home to capture random moments that at the time don't seem so interesting....but I know I'll appreciate them later.

During a recent one, I was trying to get a few shots of Dilana. She was in her "princess" mood.

This is the "I know what you are thinking" look.

Tyler decided he wanted in on the fun, so I pointed the camera towards him. His poses are as follows:

Feel the love.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Beginning Today.

I've been inspired by a friend to record those fleeting, precious moments that I am fortunate enough to share with my children. I've scribbled some down on paper, others in a journal, some online. So why not a blog? Hopefully this is a one-stop locale for Tyler & Dilana All-Things-Cute.

The title of this blog is due to one of my more favorite quotes from my son.

I'd come in the living room one day to see him kicking and punching my yoga blocks around. Upon inquiring as to why he was doing this, he said, "I'm practicing my Kung Fu. Wanna know why?"

I said, "I'd love to know why."

He replied, "I'm practicing because tomorrow is the Day of Awesomeness."

Practice on my little one, practice on.